Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Use of Salt

1)Sprinkle some salt on your newly prepared salad. The salt will make your salad crisp for few hours

2)Put in a pint of salt the next time u whip/beat eggs.You will notice the beaten egg will rise more and also more firm if you going to cook it.

3)Relief sting of mosquitoes bite. Soak the area of bites with salt water. Then apply vegetable oil. This is alternative if you house run out of Mopiko

4)Salt water also can be use to isolate fresh eggs. Dissolve 3 tablespoon or salt with 1 cup of water. Put in the eggs. The fresh egg will sink.

5)To avoid hard peeling of boiled egg, add in a tablespoon salt into the water that you going to boil with the egg.

6)Oh ya.. , I share my recipee to make salt egg. Put in several eggs into a jar. Cover the jar with salt until the salt cover all the eggs.The more salt, the better. Then pour in water just to cover all eggs. Leave it for 3 months. There goes your salt egg.

7)Hong Kong singer Andy Lau family used to operate a chinese restaurant. He share his secret to make smooth coffee. Throw in the shell of the egg when you make coffee. Of cos you need to remove the egg shell when you serve the coffee.

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